There is a passage we go through when moving from adolescence into adulthood where we seem to face the task of defining what we want to do and who we want to be. It reaches a turbulent point for 16-18 years olds.It's a defining moment in life where so many internal and external pressures are influencing decisions which can set our trajectory into adulthood. School, family, peers and self are all playing a role in shaping us but can also create anxiety to figure out everything at once and have all the answers. It's a time where the pressure forges an identity that can solidify a person's attitudes and whole being for years to come. It's a period that contains a duality where it is both exciting and terrifying - which often results in great focus or escapism. Showing the subjects in very static poses gives pause and a moment of stillness amongst the turbulence.This is an ongoing project. [gallery link=" none" columns="1" size="full" ids="4152,4153,4154,4155,4157,4158,4159,4160,4161,4162,4163,4164,4165,4166,4167,4168,4169,4170,4171,4172,4173,4174,4175,4176,4177,4178,4179,4180,4631,4632,4633,4634" ]">